Part 4: AVID program to graduate first class in school history


This week, The Coyote Caller will publish a Q and A each day with select AVID seniors. All seniors will be represented at least once.

Today’s Question: What words of advice would you give to any student considering joining the AVID program?

Ashlynn Smith: “Do It! This program has saved me and pushed me when I couldn’t push myself. You will have your own little family in school that will always have your best interest in mind, and they won’t ever quit on you if you don’t quit on yourself.”

Quinton Wagner: “Do it. It will help you in the long run with grade improvement and making better study habits.”

Sanaii Reeves: “AVID is a good program to join. AVID will prepare you for your future, and if you aren’t sure what path you want to take, AVID will help you. You get many opportunities to make sure your grades are in check, you understand what you’re learning, and experience what college life will be like at the campus visits.”

Kylee O’Rourke: “Do all of the afterschool activities in AVID that you can.”

Lanae Massey: “I would tell them to make the most of it and go to activities and just have fun. By the end of your senior year, you will look at half of these students like family. Especially Mrs. Jensen. You will LOVE her. She is such a wonderful person.”

Taylor Page: “Be ready to be pushed to be the best version of yourself.”

David Farley: “It’s worth your time. AVID will help by providing time for assignments you need to complete and will help you with daunting tasks in life like applying for college.”

Daisy Lam: “While it may seem like another tedious class to join, you won’t regret joining AVID. AVID has helped me through my post-high school plans, meet new friends, get me out of my comfort zone, and go to places I would of new been myself. AVID has given me endless opportunities, and I am so grateful.”