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West Creek High's Student News Site

The Coyote Caller

The Coyote Caller

The Coyote Caller


The Coyote Caller’s mission is to provide students a media outlet for news and information about the school and community. We strive to be a community forum that evokes individual thinking and sparks conversation in a way that defines high school journalism, while maintaining a high ethical, journalistic standard.


The Coyote Caller believes it is essential to preserve the freedom of the press in order to preserve a free society.
• This school newspaper will serve the best interest of the students of West Creek High School. and keep itself free
from any other obligation.
• The staff of the school newspaper will accept guidance from its adviser but will make its own editorial decisions.
• Only the editorial board may veto any material intended for publication, judged to be in violation of The Coyote Caller editorial policy.
• This school newspaper will vigorously resist all attempts at censorship, particularly prepublication censorship.


• The editorial board will consist of the editor-in-chief, assistant editor, and staff editors.
• No member of the editorial board shall have more than one vote on the board.
• The school newspaper staff will elect replacements for board members that have been dismissed.


• The adviser is a professional teaching staff member and is in charge of the class just as in a normal classroom situation.
• The adviser is a certified journalism teacher that serves as a professional role model, motivator, catalyst for ideas and professionalism, and an educational resource.
• The adviser provides a journalistically professional learning atmosphere and experience for students by allowing them to make the decisions of content for the publication, and ensuring the publication will remain an open forum only limited by the United States Constitution and applicable court decisions as they relate to public high schools.
• The adviser guides the newspaper staff in accordance with approved editorial policy and aids the educational process related to producing the newspaper.
• The adviser may caution, act as legal consultant and educator in terms of unprotected speech, but should limit the power of censorship or veto to constitutionally or ethically valid reasons only.
• The adviser will keep abreast of the latest trends in journalism and share these with students.
• The adviser will submit the school newspaper and contributions of students to rating services and contests so the school newspaper staff receives feedback.
• The adviser will provide information to the staff about journalism scholarships and other financial aid, and make available information and contacts concerning journalism as a career.
• The adviser will work with the faculty and administration to help them understand the freedoms accorded the students and the professional goals of the school newspaper.


• The West Creek High School administration will provide the students of West Creek High School with a qualified, journalism instructor to serve as a professional role model, adequate equipment, and space for a sound journalism program.
• The school newspaper staff and/or adviser may seek advice from the administration on paper content at any point in production.
• The West Creek administration will offer equal opportunity to minority and/or marginalized students to participate in journalism programs.
• The West Creek administration may caution, act as a legal consultant and educator but has no power of censorship or veto except for constitutionally valid reasons.


• The role of the school newspaper and website is to inform, interpret, and entertain through accurate and factual reports.
• The school newspaper and website is to serve as an educational laboratory experience for those on staff.
• The school newspaper and website will run as an open forum only limited by the United States constitution and applicable court decisions as they relate to public high schools.
• The school newspaper and website will strive to be accurate, fair, impartial and responsible in its coverage of issues that affect the school community.
• The goal of the school newspaper and website is to cover the total school population as effectively and accurately as possible.


• The school newspaper and website will not print any profanity, including slang, cultural, or colloquial terms.
• The board reserves the right to edit quotes for profanity or possible offensive words.
• Any edited quote will be shown to the source prior to publishing if the editing changes the meaning of the quote.
• The editorial board will make the determination as to whether or not specific words will be considered profane or offensive.


• The editorial board determines content, priority, placement and space given to all material.
• The school newspaper and website will not publish any material that is obscene, libelous, invasive of others’ privacy or that encourages physical disruption of school activities.
• The school newspaper and website will not publish any attack material regarding individuals, religion, gender, age, mental or physical ability, ethnicity, race, culture, or lifestyle choices.
• The school newspaper and website will not publish any material for which there is evidence that the author is using the paper for inappropriate personal gain.
• The school newspaper and website will not criticize policy without providing for solutions or alternatives.
• The school newspaper and website will endeavor to provide a chance for comment on all sides of a critical issue in the same edition.
• The editorial board reserves the right to refuse any material not deemed up to the standards the newspaper has set.
• The editorial board retains the right to amend this policy if the need arises.
• This editorial policy requires the signature of the building principal for validation.
• The school newspaper and website will not print stories involving private school matters, such as suspensions, unless the information becomes a matter of public record or the school population’s right to know supersedes the individual’s right to privacy.


• All writing in the school newspaper, other than letters to the editor, will be written by the publication staff and students in the school’s journalism courses.
• The school newspaper may accept guest contributions, but they must follow the guidelines of Editorial Policies for The Coyote Caller newspaper regular staff writing.


• All editorials printed will be bylined_ as: On behalf of the Editorial Staff.
• Editorial ideas may be submitted to the editorial board by all members of the newspaper staff.
• All printed editorial subject matter will be determined by the editorial board.
• All individual staff columns will be bylined and labeled as columns.
• The photographs of writers of standing columns will appear with the columns.
• Sports columns will appear in the sports section of the paper and be labeled as columns.


• All sides of the issue will be presented and reviewed so as to refrain from any bias.

• In news, all sides of a school, community, city, state, national, or international political issue will be presented factually so as to inform, rather than promote or endorse.
• The issue will be brought to the editorial board, who must consider the following questions before publication in the paper:

  • Why is it a concern?
  • What is the journalistic purpose?
  • Is the information accurate and complete?
  • Are any important points of view omitted?
  • How would we feel if the story was about ourselves or someone we know?
  • What are the consequences of publication?
  • What are the alternatives?
  • Is there a logical explanation to anyone who challenges the issue?
  • Is this a battle we wish to fight?


• Letters to the editor will be printed in the opinion section.
• Letters must be signed by the author and verified for publication by the editorial board.
• Letters to the editor may be submitted to the journalism teacher.
• Letters to the editor should not exceed 400 words, must be signed and must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification.
• All letters to the editor will be verified by a member of the editorial board to determine the authenticity of the writer.
• No material will be printed where content is obscene, invasive of others’ privacy, encouraging physical disruption of school activities and/or implies libel.
• The editorial board reserves the right to have letters edited for length, grammar, punctuation, clarity, etc.
• If editing is required, the letter will be sent to the author for consent.
• The school newspaper will only publish one letter per author per issue.
• All letters to the editor become the property of the school newspaper upon receipt and will not be returned.


• The school newspaper and website will not publish gossip columns, popularity polls, April Fool’s editions, senior superlatives, will and testaments, etc.
• The editorial board retains the right to determine what material is considered trivia.
Editorial Policies for The Coyote Caller Newspaper


• The reviewers must have experience in the area in which they are writing reviews.
• All reviews will be bylined and all reviews will be the expressed opinions of the signed authors, the editorial board and newspaper staff does not express opinions on these matters.
• All reviews will be to evaluate and inform, not to promote.
• All reviewers will endeavor to obtain direct quotes from participants, presenters, and/or audience to provide a balanced view.
• Evaluative criteria used will be determined by the editorial board depending on whether the event/item being reviewed is professional or amateur in nature.
• Review ideas may be submitted to the editorial board by all members of the newspaper staff.
• All printed review subject matter will be determined by the editorial board.


• All articles, graphics, photographs, art, columns, pages and reviews printed will be bylined unless determined otherwise by the editorial board.
• All editorials will be bylined.
• All bylined writers will be held accountable for their work.


• The school newspaper and website will specialize in and emphasize coverage of school news; the school newspaper will cover community, state, national, and international news if it is directly relevant to the school community and includes a local angle.
• The school newspaper and website will strive to provide equitable coverage to all school organizations and
• The school newspaper and website will focus on issues, not personalities.
• When faced with undesirable news such as student, staff, or faculty crimes, the school newspaper and website will endeavor to publish the facts correctly, explain the issues, and put a stop to any speculative stories that inevitably develop.


• Any current student, staff member, faculty member, or building administrator that dies during the year will be recognized in the school newspaper or the website.
• The school newspaper and/or website will publish factual information (date of birth, date of death,
survivors, organizations, hobbies and interests) in a 300-word obituary and include one headshot if possible.
• The school newspaper and/or website will first obtain permission from the deceased’s family before publishing any information regarding the cause of death unless the cause of death is a public record.
• The school newspaper and website will treat all deaths in a tasteful and respectful manner.
• An issue should not be dedicated to or in memory of the deceased.


• All photographs will record the who, what, where, when, why, and how of all photographs taken whether of individuals, places, or things.
• All photographs must be captioned.
• Photographs printed in the school newspaper and website are displayed as taken.

• Artwork represents the interpretations of the artist, not necessarily the publication staff or West Creek High School.
• The school newspaper will not publish any photographs, illustrations, etc., that ridicule, demean, or misleadingly represent any individual or group.


• Concerns about errors in the school newspaper may be submitted through the adviser in the library.
• The editorial board retains the right to determine whether, in fact, an error has been made.
• Known and or found errors that are brought to the attention of the school newspaper will be addressed regardless if realized by author, audience, or staff member.
• The school newspaper and website will work to correct errors in the first subsequently published issue after the error has been located and acknowledged.
• Corrections will appear at the beginning of the corrected article.


• The website is to be formatted to be viewed by all web browsers.


• Questions or complaints concerning material published in the school newspaper website should be made in writing to the editor-in-chief(s) who will present the concern at the next scheduled editorial board meeting.
• Resolutions will be made within the limits of deadlines.


• The school newspaper should be a member of state, national, and/or international organizations.


• Sources will be able to review their quotes at the time of the interview or at the reporter’s initiative. Signatures will be obtained to verify the quote’s acceptance.
• Sources will not be able to arbitrarily demand to read the reporter’s completed story and then perform editing tasks on that story.
• The school newspaper reporters will endeavor to include the name and/or identity of all sources if the reporter believes that doing so will not result in endangerment, harassment, or any other form of undue physical, mental and/or emotional anguish for the source.
• The school newspaper reporters will not, within all boundaries of the law, reveal a source who asked to remain nameless.
• All school newspaper interviewers will respect the interviewee’s rights to have information remain “off the record” if that fact is known before giving the information to the interviewer.
• The school newspaper will not be reviewed by the administration prior to its release to the public.


• The editor-in-chief and other editors are chosen by the faculty adviser, and/or the previous year’s editor-in-chief(s).
• New and returning staff are judged by application, interview, previous work, and prerequisite class work.
• Applicants are not turned down because of age, sex, race, religion, or mental or physical handicaps that do not impair their editorial responsibilities.