Senior cheerleaders Aeriona Cockran, Taliyah Harrison and Ce’Airrah Pearson were named All American cheerleaders and earned a trip to Disneyworld to perform in the Magic Kingdom Parade last November.
The three tried out in front of judges at the Universal Cheerleading Association (UCA) cheer camp this past summer.

“After receiving the material that was given to us, we had two days to learn and perform it in from of UCA staff,” Cockran said. “We did a cheer dance and a jump and from there they evaluate you and determine whether they think you’d be suitable for All American. After evaluation, we received All American medals that gave us the opportunity to represent West Creek in Orlando, Florida.”
Cockran’s best experience was not only reuniting with other cheerleaders she’d met in the past, but also building new friendships with girls from other teams.
For Harrison, she found performing in the front at Disney a very memorable experience.
“At Magic Kingdom, Ce’Airrah and I, the only two black women out of roughly 800, performed third row,” she said.
Besides performing, the cheerleaders experienced the joy of Disney World.
Cockran met all of her favorite Disney characters and lived her childhood dreams.
Magic Kingdom was her favorite because “Tangled, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin are my favorite princesses/Disney movies.”
Disney’s famous nightly firework show impressed Harrison.
“Watching the firework show at Magic Kingdom was unlike anything I had ever experienced before,” Harrison said. “The castle lit up, the music played and my favorite Disney princess, Princess Tinana performed.”
For Pearson, the entire trip was memorable.
“I was happy to be with my friends and experience new things in a whole different state,” she said. Her favorite park to visit was Hollywood Studios “because they have the best rides.”
Pearson believes that the trip gave her the opportunity to impact the underclassman cheerleaders.
“Because I’m a senior this year, I was able to lead the underclassmen and help them with their camp experience by giving them motivation.”