The 2025-2026 FAFSA portal opened on December 1. FAFSA stands for “Free Application for Federal Student Aid,” and it is required if students wish to receive financial aid from most colleges and universities, including technical programs.
Students will need to follow these steps to create a FAFSA identification, according to
Go to
STEP 1: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number
STEP 2: Create Username and Enter Email & Password
Tip: use a non-school related email address that students will have access to after graduation.
STEP 3: Mailing Address & Mobile Phone Number
STEP 4: Choose Communication & Language Preference
STEP 5: Select & Answer Four Challenge Questions.
STEP 6: Review Information
STEP 7: Verify Email & Mobile Number
After creating a FSA ID, students and parents are ready to complete the FAFSA form. To view videos on how to complete the form, please visit